
Posts Tagged ‘pool table’

Pool TableThere are so many people out there with their own pool tables but do not take the time or theĀ  care to make sure they are protected. Selecting a good pool cover is a no brainer you want something that is well made and will drape over the whole table.

Some of the things a pool table can do when it’s not protected is the wood around the table may warp from excess humidity. Or the felt may begin to weather and get brittle even if it’s a high quality felt. The slate inside of a table is also not impervious from weathering and may even begin to get a little wavy or bend. Not to mention some people feel a need to lean or sit on a table who do not know the destruction they are causing to the felt or the table bumpers.

So please, save you cue table and get a good pool table cover right away. It will save you a lot of heart ache when you want to start shooting on it again.

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